Free MaxReader / 30 Day Trial Thank you for your interest in MaxReader - free software for opening MaxView document (maxfr) files and viewing, performing basic takeoffs and printing associated project files. The MaxView software suite has several product levels. For 30 days after the initial installation of MaxView, you will have the opportunity to evaluate features from the more powerful MaxView products such as Secure MaxTakeOff, Secure MaxMarkUp, and MaxAuthor. At any time during the evaluation period, you can discontinue the evaluation. At the end of the 30-day trial, MaxView will automatically revert to the lowest product level, the free MaxReader, which does not require registration. Click Here to Download latest copy of MaxView If you choose to purchase a more powerful MaxView product, you must register your copy of MaxView. You can do this directly from MaxView through the menu item, MaxView Registration. After online registration, review your upgrade option and purchase the level that best meets your needs. Your copy of MaxView will automatically receive a feature enabling key that will authorize your workstation at the software level you require. Contact your state sales representative if your evaluation term has expired or if you have any questions during the evaluation or would like more information about MaxView products and services. Windows System Requirements: